2025 Registration and Permanent Bookings
We appreciate your patience whilst we finalised some admin tasks to prepare our system and the below form for the 2025 BHOOSH Registration.
As most of you are aware, we will be transitioning to a new software system mid January 2025. This will not affect your permanent bookings requested through the below form. Permanent booking requests for 2025 will only be accepted through this form, unless changes are required after school has started.
Whilst many of you have become accustomed to the idiosyncrasies of Xap, we believe that this system (Xplor) is far more user friendly for both family and service. We will be sending out more communication regarding the new system, in the new year. However, if you wish to read up on it, you can find some helpful information and links throughout the 2025 parent handbook.
Dual Parenting
For families with two payment accounts/ dual parenting, you will have two separate child profiles. Meaning that bookings for one parent will not be shown for the other. There is no way to combat this whilst having two payment accounts in Xplor.
Fortnightly Bookings
When making bookings for fortnightly care, please be sure to refer to the week start date within the form so that we can accurately enter your child/ren’s bookings.
Multiple Children
Should all your children require the same care, you can submit one form for all children (including each of their names in the form).
However, if you have children that require different booking schedules, be sure to complete one form for each child requiring unique bookings.
Routine Weekly Care
Although the form has the option for fortnightly care, if you will require routine weekly care, simply select “no” for fortnightly bookings and select the sessions/days required in question 6. Do not select bookings within both weeks if you do not require fortnightly care.
When will I find out if I have received my requested days?
Once your data is brought across in mid-January, we will be able to input your bookings into Xplor. It is difficult to predict a timeline as our Office Manager will be finalising the data migration in Mid/End of January. From there, each booking request is manually entered. How many responses we receive largely determines the timeline. As soon as sessions are fully booked, Layla will reach out to the relevant families. In other words, no news is good news. We will not be reaching out to families to let them know they have received the requested bookings.
We have availability for 135 children per each session, meaning unless your submission is returned late, it is unlikely that you won’t receive the days requested. Should your required bookings change between submitting the form and Term 1, simply email us at Info@bhoosh.com.au to let us know of the changes.
– There are no fee changes, the booking fees, late pick up fees, absent without notice fees and Member ship registration fees will remain the same as 2024.
– As previously mentioned we will be changed software systems, there is more formal communication to come.
– There are no changes to the processes and procedures regarding pick up/ drop off. Whilst we will have a new system from February the process is largely the same.
– As we are transitioning to a new system, all families are brought across unless archived. If you will not be using BHOOSH in 2025, you must advise us in writing that you wish for your account to be archived. If you do not let us know, your data will be brought across to Xplor.
Should you have any questions not answered above or in our handbook, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Kind Regards,